Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cha KadNa

Cha KadNa or Stir-fry Chinese broccoli

Ingredients: Beef (meat of your choice), KadNa or Chinese broccoli, Garlic, whole Black Pepper, Oyster Sauce.

Keep in mind; Mama’s cooking is done to the specific taste of the Homemaker who serves the family.

1- 4 cloves Garlic, ½ Tea spoon of whole Black pepper (grin & mix it well) and 3 Table spoons of Oyster sauce into a mixing bowl.
2- 1 Lb. Beef (thinly sliced or bite size) into the mixing bowl on step 1, let it marinade while you prepare your Veggie.
3- Heat up a wok a high heat, coat it with Vegetable Oil (a big wok is recommended), simultaneously pour in your marinade beef and cook it to you liking.
4- Chinese Broccoli in, cook to your liking.

About Me

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Howdy folks! My name is Sandra; I enjoy being the reminder of good and bad times. I wish to help those that are most needed, especially the Malnutrition ones. I know that if our "Helps" don't come today, there might not be a "Tomorrow" for them. Your kindness and support is very important to me, I and those who in need of your help would greatly appreciate your donations. There are organizations listed at the very top of the page, a donation site of your choice. I hope to capture you Heart and Soul by telling true story in a short form, "POEMS" if you will. Please keep in mind that I don't mean to offend anyone and that all my writing is base on Truths, Facts, Child-hood memories, and what will inspire me to write. Thank you for your time, forthcoming respond and understanding, Sandra